DIU!! Got a pat on the someone from my freaking past in the train 2 days ago. Turned around and dammit, why the fuck does it has 2 be you? You just have to make me see that tootfied face of yours right? You just have to appear out of the blue and jolly2 give me a pat on the back..DIU LEI AH! You stayed out of my life for 6 years..continue staying out la fug! i don know you, you don know me. LET IT STAY THAT WAY.
Speaking abt the past.
Been browsing thru me archives for the past few hours. can't believe i've been into this bloggy shit for almost 2 friggin years. heck, time passed by so fast sinced i wrote the 1st word signifying that i've broken my blogging virginity which was..
HAHA. wtf. Just laughed my ass out reading some entries while some...just bring back them memories. Hah, them theng's-pooch-named-prince-ate-my-socks days, them security guard days, them birthday-surprise-at-south-canteen-by-rina days, them bangbusta crew days, them jaywalking days, them buy-cake-mix-on-vday days, them thong-shopping-with-sdv days..blablabla..haha..those were the days man..THOSE WERE THE DAYS.HAHA. well, i think this blogging shit can tell you how much change you've made over time or how much life has revolved around you, ain't it? heh.
k snips.
Pics taken a few months back during loudfest.

Thought it was just some normal poetry session..until he starts to take off his trousers and let his "bird" free. The rest was history. I thought he was high from that poem about abusing drugs or sumth but god knows what was going through his head at that time.
Did some check up on the internet and found that MAYBE this form of "artistic" expression could be labelled under the term "outsider art", created by French artist Jean Dubuffet in 1972 to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture. it's also known as "the art of the insane." But you can call him a crazy fuck if u want to. HOHO.
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